Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"With enough belief in yourself you can overcome any obstacle."- Ross Scutts
Entrepreneur. According to Wikipedia an entrepreneur is 'a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and is accountable for the inherent risks and the outcome'. In my teens I wanted to be one but I figured I wasn't smart enough so I let that dream fall by the wayside. Up until a couple of months ago I didn't even know how to spell entrepreneur but when you reignite a dream and you put it on your dream board you had better make sure you spell it right or you might turn out being an entrepanour! What ever that is. When you decide you want something certain things appear in your life that align with what you are asking for so it was perfect timing when I received an email from Ross Scutts saying he was going to hold a young entrepreneurs workshop! The people you surround yourself with contributes to your success so of course I was going to jump at the chance to be in a room with other young men and women who are aspiring to fulfill their potential! I wasn't 100% sure what to expect but I was excited for it none the less and after doing an interview with Ross, that you can read HERE, a few of the people who were attending the seminar emailed me which made it doubly exciting as they were certainly inspiring people. 

"Never ever go into a situation thinking of what you can get out of it. Think of what you can give first."- Ross Scutts

The workshop was held at an ultimate entrepreneur's headquarters! Phillip Di Bella's 'Di Bella Coffee' headquarters in Brisbane. Phillip's story is so very inspiring and you can read it HERE. Philip was on the BRW fast 100 list in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010 while also being on BRW's Young Rich List for four years running. Phillip was also named Young Manager of the year in 2008, was the winner of Brisbane Business News’ Young Entrepreneur Award last year and only a few days ago it was released that Phillip has been honoured as an Adjunct Professor of Griffith Business School where he will teach entrepreneurship to postgraduate and undergraduate students. To sit in the board room of a young entrepreneur's company which was once just an idea and is now worth millions and millions of dollars was just amazing and awe inspiring. 

"If you're reading these words then you will be in the small group of people in life that can actually make a significant difference in this world.  Both in your life and in the lives of others around you."- Ross Scutts

When I first got there I was met by Ross and his gorgeous partner Ellie Gonsalves. They led me into the board room, gave me a Young Entrepreneurs Club Success Manual and told me to help myself to coffee (which I surely did!). Di Bella coffee is amazing! If you haven't tried it you must! Then more and more people arrived! A few familiar faces and a few new. The meeting was limited to 22 so the group was nice and intimate. After introducing ourselves and saying what we wanted to get out of the workshop Ross jumped straight into it. He said we had a lot to cover and he was not kidding! From 9.30am-4.30pm, with a quick break in between to grab some more coffee and quick bite to eat, we learnt about everything a young entrepreneur needs to know! From goals and dreams to conditioning and environment! We were encouraged to be honest in the group and go for our BIGGEST and BOLDEST dreams that we might be afraid to share outside of that room! Some times we have HUGE dreams but are afraid to go for them due to the fear of what people might think or say. So we all revealed our ultimate goals and Ross taught us the foundation on which they should be built and what mindset we need to adopt. We delved into our own values and beliefs and discovered things that we thought were gone or had no idea were even there in the first place! We discussed action steps and passion chants, language and physiology, habits and wealth attitudes. The whole workshop was a day of discovery and learning. To see Ross' knowledge and passion and to hear his stories was amazing. He is a confident and successful young man who is not afraid to go for his dreams and wants to encourage other people to do the same! He taught us the importance of role models and mentors and how action is cardinal to our success. 

Ross is a true inspiration and has inspired me to go for my goals because if I want it... I can have it. If you are a budding entrepreneur then I highly suggest you do his workshop and then apply to join the Young Entrepreneurs Monthly Meeting. It is certainly one of the best moves you could ever make in ensuring you reach your goal. It certainly was one of mine!


"We don’t have problems in life.  We only have challenges that we can decide to overcome, let defeat us or redirect us in a more fulfilling direction." - Ross Scutts

The next YEC workshop will be on the 30th of April and will once again be held at Di Bella HQ with places limited to 23 people.  It will be $197 and will include a copy of the work book and a little surprise for everyone at the end. To secure your place email Ross at

Take control of your life, invest in your future and don't let "them" tell you it cant be done. You can be do and have anything you want... so GO FOR IT!

Stay fabulous!


1 comment:

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