Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Anonymous said...

Seriously... her favourite books are Skinny Bitch and The Secret?

Can she even read. How about you go pick up some real literature
What a joke

Dear Anonymous,

at first I was very annoyed by your post that you put up in response to my model interview on Ellie Gonsalves, but now I have to thank you as it has helped me make a serious decision. It is all well and good to have your own ideas and judgements about other people, but how you deal with and express these judgements is another story. I have no real intention of sticking up for Ellie because she is not the kind of person you need to stick up for. She is an amazing person who exudes charm, confidence and maturity and whether or not she has read 'real literature' (what ever that is supposed to mean) or not seems to be made irrelevant by your comment. Clearly what ever 'real literature' you have read has not helped you grow as a person in knowledge or wisdom so to poke fun at an amazingly kind and inspirational young woman for reading Skinny Bitch and The Secret when she would not even dream about judging you is quite ironic. 

I am a huge reader of blogs and articles and I guess I just love reading in general but when I see nasty comments left by 'Anonymous', well, it really irks me. I don't believe in negativity, unjust knee jerk judgements or hiding behind my blog or my comments and so my serious decision is: I will never accept it on my blog. I have grappled with the idea for a while now as I do believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion BUT I personally have created my blog for positivity, inspiration and fun so I have no intention of keeping comments like the above on my blog. There is no need. This world is amazing and if you choose to see the world through a pessimistic pin hole then that is your misfortune and I wont have anything to do with it. I am not trying to say that I am Mother Theresa as I judge people all the time with out meaning to, but I catch myself as often as I can, see how silly I am being and that their life is none of my business. I never feel the need to put a paper bag over my head and walk up to them and say 'You know what? I don't like what you are wearing. Where ever you got that outfit from is a joke, get a stylist.' Hahaha! Odd example but that is what I sometimes find myself judging people on... my idea of a bad dress choice. There is no need for me to project my ideas onto other people and especially in regards to something as simplistic as dress choice! 

I really do believe that the majority of people are kind, are equal opportunists, want our world to survive, our animals to be treated right, people to express love and gratitude to one another, have goals, desires and inspiration and want peace and calm. It just seems, to me, that the people who are not so nice are a little louder than the majority who are hence there is an illusion that unkind people are the majority. So it is time to put a stop to it and tolerate it no longer, especially when there is so much good and love in this world!

If you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all and then explore what made you even think that in the first place.

Be honest, be caring, be loving and above all be YOU because you are not unkind.

Stay fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Well said Casey. Nothing more important than having the self-confidence to be proud of who you are and what you believe in; then you have no need to hide and I think that's a very important message. Here's to move positivity in the world... in general... and about everything.
