I just read a very sad and emotional blog from Kandee Johnson. Those who are a fan of my facebook know how much I love her and how brilliant her videos are in regards to hair and make up! She has just fallen pregnant by "accident", and the accident isn't in " " because I'm being sarcastic, it's just that I don't believe in accidents (I believe everything is 'meant to be' as you are the one who attracted it), to a man who clearly isn't around anymore and she wrote a blog which was so sad! I could completely understand where she is coming from and it really resonated with me and brought back the awful memories of all the pain and fear of judgement that I went through. She wrote the blog to try and explain as to why she was pregnant and still single and basically pleaded with people not to judge her as she is human and humans make mistakes. Her fear of being judged jumps out at you from the page and you just want to hug her and tell her everything will be alright and then on the other hand you want to slap her and say who cares if people judge you its none of their business anyway!
Judgement is something that I think alot of us fear more than death! I know when I was pregnant I had a terrible time... I was constantly in a state of fear of judgement from others and waaaaaaay too judgemental of myself for being 'so stupid' for falling pregnant. So with all this negativity I was laying on myself I didn't have the best pregnancy... I had terrible terrible morning sickness which led to a few hospital visits and when that subsided I had back pain, I had this pain, I had that pain... obviously due to all of my negative thoughts caused by this one fear... JUDGEMENT. For some reason a majority of people in the western world have gone
'you know what? I don't think highly enough of myself to remotely give a damn about me or what goes on in my mind because I don't believe I am worthy of happiness or success SO I will concentrate on other peoples lives and judge them on how I think they should be living their lives and I will fill in the gaps of their stories with my imagination and if they seem like they are too happy or successful I will bring them back down to earth by tearing shreds off them.'
Now I know that seems to be a huge call but if anything I think it's a bit of an understatement. Why do you think 'trash' magazines sell so well?
For some reason these headlines sell. I am the first to admit that I love A-Listers and hey, I would love to be one, oneday! I love watching them walk the red carpets of premiers and awards ceremonies. I love going to the movies and listening to pop on the radio. But I couldn't care less what they do in their private lives and I don't see why people would or think they should care. The following sentence is one of the wisest I have ever heard and I personally try and stick to these words every day of my life. What other people do with their lives is none of your business, what you do with your life is no ones business and what people think of you is none of your business. (Love the last bit! :) Nothing should be more important to you than your happiness and personal growth. Someone asked me once what the most important thing in the world to me was? I replied "my own happiness" and they said to me... "that sounds a bit selfish, shouldn't being a good mother be the most important thing to you?"... to me my answer was a no brainer, but this person had never considered the idea that you were actually meant to be happy before, so I replied "being a good mother and seeing my son happy makes me happy and being happy and taking care of myself means I can jump into life and have the energy to get up every morning and be a good mother! Hence why nothing is more important to me than my happiness". You see it all the time, people who give, give, give and don't ever take time for themselves and then wonder why they are not happy. I didn't come to these realisations because I sat there and watched TV and read trash mags. I learnt these things by reading books and doing courses, by taking notice of myself and my needs and by listening to me and paying attention to my thoughts. I am still sometimes worried about being judged, I am currently working on two fears of judgement that i have discovered in myself, the good thing is I have recognised them and I am working on them everyday. When you take the time to look into what you are afraid of being judged for, then you are taking huge steps towards ridding yourself of something that might be restricting you and your happiness.
Make the choice to rid yourself little by little of judgement. It is a life long habit most of us have acquired so stopping judgement is a process and not instant. Take notice of your thoughts. Stop yourself from judging others when the thought pops into your head. Stop yourself from being fearful of judgement from others.
So before laying judgement on someone else or standing in fear of being judged REMEMBER.... everyone has their own story... their own wins and bliss.... their own battles and heartaches... that they are dealing with in private. Just like you. We are all not so different.
So mind your own business :)
Stay fabulous!
hahaha I love that quote "What other people do with their lives is none of your business, what you do with your life is no ones business and what people think of you is none of your business" - Last part I never heard of before but I think I will start taking that on board....why do we like to know other people's business and judge and get some sort of sick satisfaction at their misery when their life is falling to pieces....human nature is such a bizzare thing, but hopefully with more people like you, we will be enlightened to start thinking another way - Positive thinking!