Sunday, November 7, 2010

Keeping A Diary

No one knows you better than you but sometimes with the hundreds of thoughts that fly through our mind at any given moment it is hard to get clarity. The best way to gain any clarity is to grab a hold of one of those thoughts and your diary and put pen to paper. It is important that you do it daily. A diary is not just there for you to write negative thoughts in... it is there to help you to:

Tackle difficult situations that arise,
Get to know yourself better,
Set goals,
Creative expression (write poetry, songs, draw or doodle)
To be grateful for what you have in your life.

How to tackle difficult situations with your diary:
At the top of the page always date your entry and put the subject matter as a heading, for example 'A difficult situation that arose at work'. The heading doesn't have to go into detail, it is just there for future reference. Start by writing the problem at hand. You need to be honest and open. It is a piece of paper, its not going to judge you so you can tell it what ever you like and it is important you do. You don't need to filter what you tell your diary as you are doing this to help you and your diary is for your eyes only. Bitch and moan and carry on all you like so you can vent any emotion (anger, sadness, etc) and get it out so it does not cloud your thoughts any more. Then on a new page start to write in a more understanding and positive light. Why did the situation occur? Be forgiving, kind and understanding. Then write what you would like to happen as if it has happened and highlight it.

Here is an example.
A Difficult Situation That Arose At Work 8. Nov. 2010
Today at work Smith reeeeally annoyed me! Argh! He is such an ass! We are the same age and at the same skill level but he talks down to me and acts as if he is so much better than me! I did a presentation for clients today and he came up to me later to talk to me about it and he basically said he could have done it better and that he should have been asked to do it! FAR OUT! What is his PROBLEM! I just want to take his ugly stupid little tie he wears and feed it through the paper shredder!! I know my presentation wasn't bad because not only did John tell me I did a great job but we LANDED the CLIENT! Up yours Smith you jerk.

(new page)
(Understanding, wisdom, kindness and positivity)
I guess I have to be more understanding of Smith. I know people are never a certain way without having something under the surface. You can tell by the way he acts and his body language that he is quite insecure and a fearful person. I guess the way he acts is just a reflection of that. He clearly doesn't know any better and I know he is only doing what he is doing because he thinks it is right. I will just have to be more understanding and patient with him. Maybe I could try talking to him about it. I might just try being nicer to him. See if that makes a change. I guess I never really acknowledge him. It wouldn't hurt to say hi in the morning. 

(write what you would like the situation to be as if it is already like that)
Smith and I are now friends and he no longer feels the need to put me down. We work as a team and when we do things separately we are supportive of each other. We help each other to do the best we can. I know now how he is and I know I cannot change him. I have an understanding and I need to never take anything he does or says personally as it is just a reflection of him and has nothing to do with me.

A brief example but I am sure you get the drift! The first part is required so you can vent your anger and write what has happened (rather than holding on to it and then you explode!), the second part is for you to look at the situation through positive and reasonable eyes and the third part that you highlight is for you to go back and read over and over to help remind you what you want from the situation and move towards that. Obviously the situation may not be remedied straight away. You might have to write a few more entries about the same subject. But it is important that you do. Fold down the 'negative/venting' pages and go back to read the highlighted area every day. 

How to get to know yourself better with your diary:
Ask yourself questions. This is so So SO IMPORTANT! People don't know themselves very well these days so it is extremely important to get to know ourselves. What makes ME happy? What do I want from my life? Where do I want to be in five years? What are my hobbies? What are my weaknesses that I need to work on?
Go on a date with yourself in your diary and ask everything that you would ask when getting to know someone. Even asking what are your favourite movies, food, hobbies and aspirations. Just by answering these questions you will know yourself better than anyone else knows themselves. Your a good person and worth getting to know :) Dont forget to date and and put a heading for example 'Getting to know ME!'

Goal setting with your diary:
Goal setting is paramount to your success in life. Use your diary to set and monitor your goals. If you dont have any yet I suggest you do a week of goal setting. Write one goal a day. A career goal today, a family goal tomorrow, a health goal the next, etc. Really ponder your goal and get excited about it! Make sure your goal is clear and revisit your goals all the time to help you stay on track! 

Creative expression with your diary:
Creative expression can be anything from a complex Haiku to a stick figure drawing. It is completely up to you. It is for fun and to exercise your creative outlet! It doesnt matter how creative you are... just give it a go!

Being grateful with your diary:
Another extremely important thing you should do is be grateful for what you have! Write a grateful entry. Even if you think you dont have much to be grateful for YOU DO. For example
I am so happy and grateful for the clothes on my back, the roof over my head, the food that sustains me and the hands I have to write this.
Get into the real feeling of being grateful. Feel the pleasure and release that being grateful for even the small things in your life brings. 

Keeping a diary will bring out the BEST in you. You will get to know yourself better, learn from your mistakes because you are taking the time to assess them, become a better 'problem' solver and you will be so much more positive which will in turn affect your life in a positive way! It is not hard and only requires a few minutes a day. It is important to get into the habit of doing it. Go to bed 10 minutes earlier and lay and write. You will rest easier believe me! Just try it! You will surprise yourself I assure you! Remember your diary is yours and you do what feels right to you. Paste pictures in there, record quotes you love, do what ever you want to it! 

Stay fabulous! 

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